
Romanian Govt Sets Up Committee To Fight Illegal Employment

Romania’s Government will set up an inter-ministry committee against illegal employment, which will coordinate the monitoring, prevention, evaluation and combat against undeclared activities, on the basis of information passed on by relevant bodies.

Romanian Tourism Min Pleads For Complete Privatization Of Tourism, Better Services

Romanian Regional Development and Tourism Minister Elena Udrea said Friday that hotels on the Romanian coastline apply prices similar to those in Greece, but the quality of services is not at the same level, while Bulgaria offer smaller prices.

Romania’s Ex Interior Minister Wants Decree Sacking Him Suspended In Court

Romania's former Interior Minister Dan Nica asked the Bucharest Court of Appeals to suspend the decree signed by the president that dismisses him from the headership of the Interior Ministry and the hearings in the case were set for November 6.

Romanian Police Investigates Alleged Relic Smuggling Operation

Several people, including an Austrian businessman and a former employee of the Romanian Hunedoara County Culture Department, are under investigation by police concerning an alleged illegal export of steam locomotives, which could be part of the national patrimony.

Romanians Accused Of Rape In Italy Are From C Romanian Brasov – Police

The two Romanians charged with rape in Italy, Isztoika Loyos Alexandru, 20, and Karol Racz, 36, are from romania’s central county of Brasov, local police said.

Illegal Camps Around Rome, Destroyed Following Rapes Committed By Immigrants – Italian Press

Italian police have destroyed, on Monday, dozens of huts and illegal camps in and around Rome, following last week’s rape of a 14 year old girl in a city park allegedly by Romanian immigrants, Italian news agency Adnkronos reported.

Romanian Environment Min Talks About Illegal Lumberjacking

Romanian environment minister Attila Korodi said the situation with illegal lumberjacking is serious, and the ministry will initiate inspections, together with all institutions concerned.

Sanitation Contracts In Bucharest Extended Illegally – Regulator

Contracts for sanitation services in Romania’s capital city Bucharest were extended with the breach of provisions in public procurement laws, the authority regulating and monitoring public procurement, ANRMAP, said following check-ups.

Romanian Pres Says The EC Approved Car Tax Is Illegal

Romanian president Traian Basescu said on television station B1Tv, when the host told him there is a tax that "was changed seven times," that he does not want to discuss that tax, because it is illegal.

Romanian Police Find 17 Pirate Radio Stations In Check-Up

Romanian police along experts of the country’s communication watchdog ANRCTI searched 17 homes in capital city Bucharest Friday and found pirate radio stations, for which they opened criminal records, the police said Saturday.

Romanian Border Police Intercepts 41 Indian Aliens

Northern Romania’s Maramures county border police officers, in collaboration with officers from the Romanian intelligence Service (SRI), caught, in the locality Tisa, 41 Indian citizens who entered the country illegally from Ukraine, crossing the river Tisa with an inflatable raft.

Romanian Railroad Protest Was Illegal – Transport Min

Romanian transport minister Ludovic Orban stated Friday in a press conference that the halt in train traffic was not a spontaneous protest movement, because it kicked off simultaneously throughout the country and traffic was resumed in the same manner, making this form o protest illegal.

Romanian Customs Officers Find 26 Iraqis Hidden In Truck

Police officers in Nadlac customs, on Romania’s western border with Hungary, found 26 Iraqis who were trying to cross the border illegally, hidden in a truck that was transporting soap to Germany.